Monday, April 2, 2012

Cedarville, Ohio

Over spring break, just a couple of weeks ago, I traveled to Cedarville in Ohio. This isn't my most exotic destination, but I thought that it might be interesting to write about because it's a place I recently traveled to. Now if you're like most people you're probably thinking, "where on earth is Cedarville, Ohio?" Well to answer your question, it's about three and a half hours south-west of Cleveland, and a little less than an hour east of Dayton.
Cedarville, Ohio

Admittedly, Cedarville isn't thought to be home to many tourist attractions, but it's home to Cedarville University which is where my one of my best friends and my boyfriend attend school. I traveled there to spend the week with them. While there, I visited a lot more attractions than I thought I would, and it turned out to be a really nice trip!
Cedarville itself is a quaint, little town. It was home to many coffee shops and family-owned businesses. It is also home to something called the Indian Mound Reserve. This was a park. It had trails that went through the forest, it had streams, and a huge waterfall.
During my trip, I also visited Yellow Springs, Ohio. This town is only about 15 minutes away from Cedarville, and is known for being home to the actor and comedian Dave Chappelle . Yellow Springs was also home to many quaint shops and restaurants, but on a larger scale than Cedarville. My favorite stop in this town was a record shop that was full, wall-to-wall, of records and musical posters. One thing I noticed about Yellow Springs is that every shop I went into, the people were all so hospitable and nice.
Cedar Lake on Cedarville University Campus
Note: Picture not taken by me.
Overall, my trip to Ohio was very enjoyable. It was nice to get away and experience an area that had a very close-knit, hometown feeling.

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